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Kamis, 20 Desember 2012

Ship items list

Dftar Lengkap Berikut adalah daftar lengkap item Anda bisa mengirimkannya ke Zack untuk mendapatkan uang. Jika Anda berencana untuk menikahi Dewi, Anda harus memiliki setidaknya 1 dari masing-masing item dalam daftar item Anda dikirimkan. Anda dapat melihat daftar Anda dengan menekan tombol Start dan kemudian navigasi ke menu Memo, yang terlihat seperti sepotong kertas putih.

Tabel ini berada di urutan yang sama seperti dalam permainan. Beberapa item, seperti apel Won, tidak akan berada di daftar sampai Anda memiliki satu. Jika Anda berpikir Anda telah kehilangan item shippable, periksa daftar ini dengan daftar Anda dalam permainan untuk menemukan apa yang Anda tidak memiliki belum.

Shippable Items
Turnip TurnipSpringBuy seeds from store for 120 G. Harvest in 5 days.60 G
potato PotatoSpringBuy seeds from store for 150 G. Harvest in 8 days.80 G
Cucumber CucumberSpringBuy seeds from store for 200 G. Harvest in 10 days, regrows in 5 days.60 G
cabbage CabbageSpringBuy seeds from Won for 500 G. Harvest in 15 days.250 G
strawberryStrawberriesSpringShip 100 Turnips, Potatoes, and Cucumbers. Then buy seeds from store for 150 G. Harvest in 9 days, regrows in 2 days30 G
tomato TomatoSummerBuy seeds from store for 200 G. Harvest in 10 days, regrows in 3 days.60 G
corn CornSummerBuy seeds from store for 300 G. Harvest in 15 days, regrows in 3 days.100 G
onion OnionSummerBuy seeds from store for 150 G. Harvest in 8 days.80 G
pineapple PineappleSummerBuy seeds from Won for 1000 G. Harvest in 21 days, regrows in 5 days.500 G
pumpkin PumpkinSummerShip 100 Tomatoes, Corn, and Onions. Then buy from store for 500 G. Harvest in 15 days.250 G
eggplant EggplantFallBuy from store for 120 G. Harvest in 10 days, regrows in 3 days.80 G
carrot CarrotFallBuy from store for 300 G. Harvest in 8 days.120 G
sweet potato Sweet PotatoFallBuy from store for 300 G. Harvest in 6 days, regrows in 2 days.120 G
Green Pepper Green PepperFallBuy from Won for 150 G. Harvest in 8 days, regrows in 2 days.40 G
spinich SpinichFallShip 100 Eggplants, Carrots, and Sweet Potatoes. Then buy from store for 200 G. Harvest in 6 days.80 G
 Regular Quality EggAnyChicken with 0 - 4 hearts.50 G
 Good Quality EggAnyChicken with 5 - 8 hearts.60 G
 High Quality EggAnyChicken with 9 - 10 hearts.80 G
 Golden EggAnyWin the Chicken Sumofestival.100 G
 P EggAnyWin Chicken Sumo + 600 hours of outdoor time.180 G
 X EggAnyRare egg from P Egg laying chicken OR follow recipe (Small Egg + Medium Egg + Large Egg + Gold Egg + P Egg.350 G
 Spa-Boiled EggAnyTake any egg and throw it into the Hot Springs.80 G
small mayoMayonnaise (S)AnyPut small egg into MayoMaker Machine OR follow recipe (Small Egg + Oil + Whisk + Vinegar).100 G
med mayoMayonnaise (M)AnyPut medium egg into MayoMaker Machine OR follow recipe (Medium Egg + Oil + Whisk + Vinegar).150 G
la mayoMayonnaise (L)AnyPut large egg into MayoMaker Machine OR follow recipe (Large Egg + Oil + Whisk + Vinegar).200 G
gold mayoMayonnaise (G)AnyPut golden egg into MayoMaker Machine OR follow recipe (Gold Egg + Oil + Whisk + Vinegar).300 G
p mayoMayonnaise (P)AnyPut p egg into MayoMaker Machine OR follow recipe (P Egg + Oil + Whisk + Vinegar).450 G
x mayo Mayonaise (X)AnyPut x egg into MayoMaker Machine OR follow recipe (X Egg + Oil + Whisk + Vinegar OR Mayonnaise, S + Mayonnaise, M + Mayonnaise, L + Mayonnaise, G + Mayonnaise, P)800 G
small milk Milk (S)AnyAdult cow with 0 - 3 hearts100 G
 Milk (M)AnyAdult Cow with 4 - 7 hearts150 G
 Milk (L)AnyAdult cow with 8 - 10 hearts200 G
 Milk (G)AnyWin the Cow Festival.300 G
 Milk (P)AnyWin the Cow Festival + 600 hours of outdoor time.500 G
 Milk (X)AnyRare milk from P Milk cow OR follow recipe (Milk (S) + Milk (M) + Milk (L) + Milk (G) + Milk (P)).800 G
 Cheese (S)AnyPut Milk (S) into CheeseMaker Machine.300 G
 Cheese (M)AnyPut Milk (M) into CheeseMaker Machine.400 G
 Cheese (L)AnyPut Milk (L) into CheeseMaker Machine.500 G
 Cheese (G)AnyPut Milk (G) into CheeseMaker Machine.600 G
 Cheese (P)AnyPut Milk (P) into CheeseMaker Machine.750 G
 Cheese (X)AnyPut Milk (X) into CheeseMaker Machine OR follow recipe (Cheese (S) + Cheese (M) + Cheese (L) + Cheese (G) + Cheese (P)).1500 G
 AppleFallFrom the tree behind your Chicken Barn.50 G
 SUGDW AppleAnyBuy from Won's farm visits for 500 G OR follow recipe (Apple + HMSGB Apple + AEPFE Apple).100 G
 HMSGB AppleAnyBuy from Won's farm visits for 500 G OR follow recipe (Apple + SUGDW Apple + AEPFE Apple).100 G
 AEPFE AppleAnyBuy from Won's farm visits for 500 G OR follow recipe (Apple + HMSGB Apple + SUGDW Apple).100 G
 HoneyAnyFrom the tree behind your Chicken Barn.50 G
 Bamboo ShootsSpringThe lake on Mother's Hill.50 G
 Wild GrapesSummerIn the forest and around the lake on Mother's Hill.50 G
MushroomFallIn the Forest, near the summit of Mother's Hill, and behind the Church.70 G
Poisonous MushroomFallBehind Gotz's house and behind the Church100 G
 TruffleFallSmash the large boulders on Mother's Hill (using a level 6 Hammer) and walk down the path OR find behind the Church OR buy for 10 medals at the Horse Race.500 G
 Blue GrassSpr, SumAround the Hot Springs100 G
 Green GrassSum, FallHot Springs100 G
 Red GrassSum, FallForest and Hot Springs.110 G
 Yellow GrassSpringMineral Beach.120 G
 Orange GrassSpringMineral Beach.100 G
 Purple GrassSummerMineral Beach.120 G
 Indigo GrassFallMineral Beach.100 G
 Black GrassAnyDig up in the mines.10 G
 White GrassAnyReceive in exchange for 10 gifts to the Goddess after she gives you the Power Berry OR find in the Winter season behind the church and Gotz's house.150 G
 ChocolateAnyBuy from store for 100 G100 G
 RelaxTea LeavesAnyGift from the Harvest Sprites when you're invited to the tea party OR from winning 10 - 14 times during the Goddess' New Years gameshow on tv OR follow recipe (Red Grass + Orange Grass + Yellow Grass + Green Grass + Purple Grass + Blue Grass + Indigo Grass + Weed + Knife + Frying Pan)1000 G
 Small FishAnyUse your Fishing Pole while standing next to water.50 G
 Medium FishAnyUse your Fishing Pole while standing next to water.120 G
 Large FishAnyUse your Fishing Pole while standing next to water.200 G
 Pirate TreasureSummerUse your level 6 Fishing Pole at Mineral Beach.10000 G
 Fossil of FishFallUse your level 6 Fishing Pole at Mineral Beach.5000 G
 Red Magic GrassFallBuy Magic Seeds from Won for 600 G. To make sure you grow at least 1 red-colored flower per bag planted, save your game before sowing the seeds. Plant the flowers and then press Select + Start to view your farm map. If you don't see red-colored flowers in among the normal blue-colored ones, reload your save game and try again. Magic Grass grow in 10 days.200 G
 Wool (S)AnySheep with 0 - 3 hearts.100 G
 Wool (M)AnySheep with 4 - 7 hearts.400 G
 Wool (L)AnySheep with 8 - 10 hearts.500 G
 Wool (G)AnyWin the Sheep Festival.600 G
 Wool (P)AnyWin the Sheep Festival + 600 hours of outdoor time.1000 G
 Wool (X)AnyRare wool from P Wool sheep.2000 G
 Yarn (S)AnyPut Wool (S) into YarnMaker Machine.300 G
 Yarn (M)AnyPut Wool (M) into YarnMaker Machine.700 G
 Yarn (L)AnyPut Wool (L) into YarnMaker Machine.800 G
 Yarn (G)AnyPut Wool (G) into YarnMaker Machine.1000 G
 Yarn (P)AnyPut Wool (P) into YarnMaker Machine.1500 G
 Yarn (X)AnyPut Wool (X) into YarnMaker Machine.4000 G
 BraceletAnyCrafted by Saibara for 1000 G and one Orichalc.2000 G
 NecklaceAnyCrafted by Saibara for 1000 G and one Orichalc OR buy for 20 medals at the Horse Race.2000 G
 EarringsAnyCrafted by Saibara for 1000 G and one Orichalc.2000 G
 BroachAnyCrafted by Saibara for 1000 G and one Orichalc OR buy for 18 medals at the Horse Race.2000 G
 Junk OreAnyFind inside rocks in the mines.1 G
 CopperAnyFind inside rocks on all floors of the Spring Mine.15 G
 SilverAnyFind inside rocks on all floors of the Spring Mine.20 G
 GoldAnyFind inside rocks on floor 3 and below of the Spring Mine.25 G
 MystrileAnyFind inside rocks on floor 6 and below of the Spring Mine.40 G
 OrichalcAnyFind inside rocks on floor 10 and below of the Spring Mine.50 G
AdamantiteAnyFind inside rocks on floor 10 and below of the Spring Mine OR buy for 4 medals at theHorse Race.50 G
 Mythic StoneAnyFind inside rocks on floor 60 and below of the Spring Mine. You can find it after you have all of your tools upgraded to level 6 (cursed/blessed).20000 G
 Pink DiamondWinterInside rocks on floor 30, 70, 90, 110, 130, 170, 190, and 255 in the Lake Mine10000 G
AlexandriteWinterInside rocks on floor 50, 100, 150, and 200 in the Lake Mine.10000 G
 Moon StoneWinterInside rocks on floors that end in 8 (8, 18, etc.) in the Lake Mine55 G
 Sand RoseWinterInside rocks on floors that end in 9 (9, 19, etc.) in the Lake Mine60 G
 DiamondWin / SumInside rocks on floors that end in 0 (10, 20, etc.) in the Lake Mine OR buy for 14 medals at the Horse Race.100 G
 EmeraldWinterInside rocks on floors that end in 5 (5, 15, etc.) in the Lake Mine80 G
 RubyWinterAll floors except 50, 100, 150, and 200 in the Lake Mine.75 G
 TopazWinterAll floors except 50, 100, 150, and 200 in the Lake Mine.70 G
 PeridotWinterAll floors except 50, 100, 150, and 200 in the Lake Mine.68 G
 FluoriteWinterAll floors except 50, 100, 150, and 200 in the Lake Mine.65 G
 AgateAnyAll floors except 50, 100, 150, and 200 of the Lake Mine.62 G
 AmethystWinterAll floors except 50, 100, 150, and 200 in the Lake Mine.60 G

2 komentar:

haii temen-temen, komen ya kalo kalian suka ato ga suka,, ato share juga boleh ko.